- Collection - interface representing a
collection node
- AbstractChild - abstract class
representing a child node
- AbstractNode - abstract class
representing a node
- Builder - a Yaml.Builder class helping to build vala
Yaml.Object from Yaml.Node
- Config - Yaml.Config class to manage Yaml
configuration files and provide a Yaml.Root node.
- Dumper - a Yaml.Dumper to dump a Yaml.Node to his
file representation
- Event - Yaml Event class populated by
Yaml.Scanner and treat by the
Yaml.Processor to build a Yaml.Node from a yaml.file
- Finder - Finder class used to easily retriew
- GeeBuilder - a Yaml.GeeBuilder class helping to
build vala Gee.Collection with fundamental type to Yaml.Node
- Loader - a Yaml Loader class
- Mapping - a class representing a mapping node
- Node - a class representing a yaml node no matter was
his type
- Object - Yaml.Object base class which can be
transform to a Yaml.Node structure
- Processor - a class dealing with a sequence of
yaml events and composing the Yaml Node Graph
- Register - A Register class responsible to register
owner types and related types lists
- Root - a class representing a Yaml Root Node
- Scalar - a class representing a Scalar node
- Scanner - a Yaml scanner class dealing with libyaml
to generate a list of Yaml.Event
- Sequence - a class representing a sequence node
- Tag - a Tag class to store handle and value tag for
- EVT - enum MatchInfo keys of Yaml.Mode.find method
related to mode FIND_MODE.SQUARE_BRACKETS of Yaml.Node
- FIND_MODE - enum possible find mode of
- NODE_TYPE - enum possible type of Yaml.Node
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